The Hampson Family. Wollongbar Family Portrait Photography
As a kid, is there anything better than a treehouse? Of course, the kind you build yourself is always the best. It seems to be one of those memories that stays with you; dragging the wood and nails to your favorite tree and creating an amazing space that’s just for you and your friends. The Hampson kids certainly have been working hard on building one of their own, complete with swings, rope ladders and a bucket for hoisting important goodies up to the higher branches. I think Dad, Paul, was a little surprised to find a number of items from his shed hanging from the tree when we came to shoot these images!
I’m always a little humbled by how lucky I am to do what I do. One: I really love it. Two: I really love being a part of keeping the memories for people. Every family portrait session is unique because the families I photograph are unique and I love that. Thanks for letting me be a part of your family for the afternoon Paul and Belinda. It was a lot of fun and I hope you love the images!