Bangalow Banquet. The results of an amazing community.
I have said it before and I’m sure to keep saying it for a long time to come… Bangalow has an amazing community and there is simply nowhere that I would rather raise my family. The newly released Bangalow Banquet cookbook is just another example of what this community is capable of and a fine display of the level of talent that resides within the region.
When I first heard that the community was getting together to produce a cookbook to help raise funds for the two schools in Bangalow, I must admit, I had visions of something you would find at a school fete, not on the shelves of quality retailers. The book that Bangalow has put together however would rival any cookbook available in the most boutique bookstore around the country. This publication is not only a collection of amazing recipes from local residents and restaurants, but also an historical record of how Bangalow has grown to become a must-visit holiday destination in the Byron Bay hinterland.
Spearheaded by the incredible Lara Hayes, this entire project has been the result of local residents devoting their time and skills for free. The only cost incurred throughout the entire production was the printing costs and 100% of the proceeds will go to supporting the Banglow Public School and the Bangalow Community Children’s Centre. All the culinary delights have been professionally styled by Jody Vassallo and the book has been beautifully designed by Jeannine and Dom from 2Camels Design. A host of photographers have dedicated their time to supplying the imagery for the cookbook, including myself. The front and back covers both feature images I shot just two days before the publication went to print.
On the Sunday morning before the cookbook was to go to the printers, I received a call from Lara asking if I could shoot the cover for the book that afternoon. She had arranged a bunch of locals to cook up many of the recipes featured in the cookbook and was putting together a banquet to showcase the product. Of course I was more than happy to jump in and help… and now, just a couple of weeks later, the Bangalow Banquet is available for sale and looks absolutely amazing!
The Cookbook is available to purchase now at the Bangalow Post Office, the local markets and many other retailers in Bangalow. You can also email [email protected] with ‘Order Form Request’ in the subject line to purchase online. To keep up with all of the latest news surrounding this beautiful cookbook, follow Bangalow Banquet Cookbook on Facebook.
Thanks to everyone who played a part in putting this all together. I am very proud to have been involved.
Below are a few images from the banquet photo shoot.